To have another language is to possess a second soul.

Learning a new language gives you the chance to be a different person whenever you want. To connect with new people with different characters and go beyond what is usual. To be able to go beyond your comfort zone and discover new islands of opportunities. But first, you have to take a step.

Lao Tzu once said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Each step is not the same. Some could be easy, some could be hard, and some could even be high or low. But you don’t have to worry as we here in Speaking Easily are willing to help you with each step you make.

I am teacher Maria Dumabok and I have been teaching English for three years. I can assist you from your pronunciation, on how to do the necessary exercises to make our mind and tongue familiar with the language and fix our accent. We can also work on your grammar and make sentences that you can use for everyday conversation. Sharpen your listening skills and comprehension by engaging in a real conversation or listening to a recorded situation and many more. Learning English is fun and exciting when you have someone to hold your hand along the way.

See you in my class!

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